Rex Glass

Rex Glass

Because the company is a leading local business, our strategy focused on rebranding Rex Glass in a way that was still recognizable to their loyal customers and community. We decided that a 5-year plan for logo development would allow for a smooth transition, meaning it wouldn’t confuse or dissuade customers who are familiar with Rex Glass’ current logo. Another aspect included testing the website to see which elements would drive the most interest, including phone calls and showroom visits.


Branding • Creative • Web dev

The Beginning

Our relationship began when they were seeking print ads for local newspapers. After realizing that a modern digital strategy would be a strong additional channel, we teamed up to find ways to increase leads. Our partnership took off as we focused on optimizing the website, improving social media marketing, and adding a refreshing, modern touch to existing brand materials.

Our Strategy

Because the company is a leading local business, our strategy focused on rebranding Rex Glass in a way that was still recognizable to their loyal customers and community. We decided that a 5 year plan for logo development would allow for a smooth transition, meaning it wouldn’t confuse or dissuade customers who are familiar with Rex Glass’ current logo. Another aspect included testing the website to see which elements would drive the most interest, including phone calls and showroom visits.







The website previously featured numerous elements that could potentially overwhelm visitors upon their initial arrival. Among these were a slideshow, testimonials, contact information, and an array of CTAs, buttons, and links. Furthermore, the creatives showcasing Rex Glass products failed to convey their value effectively.


In response, we've revamped the website, maintaining its brand identity while prioritizing an improved user experience and attention to detail. Clear visual elements, such as icons in the hero section, now prominently highlight Rex Glass's industry expertise and decades of experience. This ensures that visitors quickly understand what sets the company apart. Moreover, we've retained key brand aspects like colors and typography, ensuring consistency with existing materials. This refreshed appearance breathes new life into the website, making it vibrant and engaging while remaining familiar to existing customers.

System that works

We’ve helped bring many clients to Rex Glass, particularly through the thoughtful website design. In the hero section, which users see first, we added clear CTAs and a subscription bar that was visible above the fold. Additionally, we included icons, key benefits, and other visual elements that made Rex Glass’ value immediately clear. Ultimately, a thoughtful yet modern strategy allowed us to connect with the brand’s target audience in a way that was faithful to the original branding and values.
