

With Wolfgang, our strategy centered on making creative assets more visually engaging, increasing the amount of time people spend looking at an ad. We knew that adding slight motion and animation could elevate existing creatives without making assets unrecognizable to current clients or doing a complete re-design.



The Beginning

Before Algofy, Wolfgang was seeking a way to create assets that were visually interesting and engaging, specifically though animation and motion. Prior to us, creative assets were only static and did not feature movement.

Our Strategy

With Wolfgang, our strategy centered on making creative assets more visually engaging, increasing the amount of time people spend looking at an ad. We knew that adding slight motion and animation could elevate existing creatives without making assets unrecognizable to current clients or doing a complete re-design.



Creative assets were static, meaning that images did not move or feature animation. They often showcase the product with canine-focused graphic elements.


In response, we created a range of creative assets tailored for Instagram Reels and general animations to showcase Wolfgang's accessories and toys. The animation was subtle yet effective, infusing once-static images with movement to instantly captivate and retain attention. Moreover, incorporating movement into the text provided a seamless means for people to gather information without diverting focus from the product.





System that works

For Wolfgang, using animation and motion allowed us to highlight and draw attention to the things that make this brand different from others.  While static images can be effective, we found that animation was a much better way to highlight the unique features of the brand and capture and hold attention for longer.
